Screenshots hint at possible crossplay - Is crossplay finally coming to Pro Clubs mode?
Since this year you can play against other players across platforms in FIFA 23. However, one of the modes that would benefit the most from this feature has not received it: Pro Clubs.
After a huge outcry from the community and numerous posts using the hashtag #saveProClubs, EA Sports confirmed that they were working on implementing crossplay in Pro Clubs mode, but couldn't give an exact timeframe.
Now, the reddit user Woodsduck has posted a screenshot on Reddit that suggests the feature is in the works. The screenshot shows the club squad, with icons next to the players that we only know from FUT: A controller and a PC.
We asked EA Sports about this, but they didn't want to comment.
Of course, it would be nice to see the mode integrated before EAFC, which is expected to be released in early autumn this year and will be sold without the FIFA brand for the first time.
What do you think? Is cross-play in the Pro Clubs on the horizon? And if so, how will it affect the mode and in particular the organised leagues?
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